The Flinders Overseas Health Group is a charity organisation providing assistance in the health sector in the Eastern Indonesian province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), which includes West Timor. The people here live in poverty, suffer from malnutrition, have limited education and an under-resourced health system.
FOHG is a group of voluntary health professionals across Australia, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, allied health workers and laboratory scientists along with socially aware individuals. The group was conceived after exposure to the challenging health issues in West Timor. These highlighted the need for a long term collaborative approach to meeting the health needs of rural and urban communities, addressing resource issues in the hospitals and providing professional development for local specialists in multiple areas. FOHG organises visits by a number of specialty teams and acts as a facilitator for the development of long term networks between professionals in West Timor and Australia. Visits combine formal teaching ,"teaching on the run" clinical instruction, research projects and mentoring across a variety of health sectors. There is a parallel programme assisting with various identified community needs - please see 'Previous initiatives'.
FOHG has a close relationship with Prof Johannes Hospital in Kupang and the Undana Medical School. .We have also been invited to assist with further educational programmes with the Polytechnic in Kupang. Public sector linkage programs have been operating ”Train the trainer“ education for maternal and neonatal health in Flores, ever since 2008. These were originally developed with the support of AUSAID.